Seattle Parenting Plan Paralegal Services Documents Prepared
Call today: 206-578-9493
When a client is seeking parenting plan services, those services most often fall into three categories, visitation, custody, and decision making. There are many other aspects to a parenting plan than those three listed that can benefit from Seattle Paralegal Services.
Visitation Parenting Plan Seattle Paralegal Services. Visitation and the parenting plan is a less complicated issue that child custody discussed below. Usually when a client comes to me about parenting plan visitation they are either seeking to enforce and existing parenting plan or obtain an enforceable parenting plan because they do not have one. For more on the visitation and the parenting plan, give my page Seattle Visitation Paralegal Services a read by clicking the link or using the dropdown menu above.
Custody Parenting Plan Seattle Paralegal Services. Custody may be the result of a divorce proceeding. On the other hand, the parents may not have ever been married to each other, and one of the parents initiates custody documents (more complex than dissolution). Sometimes even a nonparent is seeking custody of children that are not their own. For more on the custody topic, read through my Seattle Custody Paralegal Services or select the parenting plan dropdown menu above.
Decision making has its own complexity when trying to get it changed, and the topic is too extensive so give me a call on that one. call: 206-578-9493.
Seattle Paralegal Services Shoreline Edmonds Family Law Document Preparation.